Latest News on the Medicare Advantage Program

Medicare shortages continue in Maryland

With a global health crisis approaching the world, the world’s population is getting sicker than ever. Most, if not all, drown in medical debts without sufficient assistance and monetary subsidies. Fortunately, there are federal health insurance programs to help alleviate the financial burden of getting sick and injured. Among them is federal health insurance called Medicare.

But with the unpredictable and massive impact of the coronavirus, insurance trust funds are running out of money fast. The consequences will also be reflected in the health and safety of the people of Maryland.

With that in mind, here’s everything you need to know about the impending threat of Medicare shortages and how it threatens the future of health care in the state of Maryland:


What Medicare shortages mean?

According to the April 2020 report, Medicare administrators project that funds for the Part A program could dry up as of 2026, and that does not yet take into account the main impact of the pandemic. of coronavirus. Given the impact of COVID-19 less payroll taxes and regulatory policies, budget experts predict that funds could run out sooner.

When the monetary issue comes to insolvency, Medicare may not be able to pay its expenses. While being insolvent does not necessarily mean bankruptcy, the program may need to reduce your repayments to deal with the problem. Basically, Medicare will have to pay less for the insured’s medical costs. For people, it means more out-of-pocket expenses.

The future of care in Maryland

According to, Medicare covers the expenses of more than one million Maryland residents. In fact, most are enrolled in the original cheaper Medicare, and only less than 17% could afford to pay Medicare Advantage or Plan C premiums. When Medicare effectively reduces their reimbursements, many Marylanders will suffer.

Revitalizing the health system from the impact of COVID-19 is also a problem. With an average of 705 cases a day, Maryland’s future in health care becomes darker as more illnesses arise and insurance is harder to acquire. If Medicare reduces its spending on inpatient and outpatient services, treatment, and hospitalization, aid for COVID-19-related health care costs may be affected.

The struggle for accessible and affordable healthcare

Millions of people depend on Medicare to cover the costs of health care. It also allows them to prevent disease through preventive care, such as vaccinations, laboratory tests, exams, and annual wellness visits. For starters, not everyone can afford health insurance. Therefore, raising Medicare costs will only increase the struggle for accessible and affordable health care.

While only currently, 4.3% of Marylanders do not have insurance, further restricting Medicare by reducing costs will only make it out of the reach of those who need it. Due to the pandemic, people without health insurance are at greater risk. People are getting sicker and sicker and just making the issue of Medicare shortage increasingly relevant to address.


With the scarcity of funds threatening access to Medicare, the lives and well-being of the people of Maryland are at stake. No one has to struggle to get financial help to pay for medical expenses. Therefore, medical insurance must always be available and affordable. Competent authorities must move to ensure the solvency of Medicare and safeguard people’s health.

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